Jan 28, 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
By now I am sure you have all heard the Prime Minister’s announcement last night. We now know it will not be possible to fully re open schools immediately after the February half-term and instead the Government hopes it will be safe to start the re-opening of schools and colleges from Monday 8th March. This is in response to the national public health data and pressure on NHS capacity.
We will, however, continue to be open to children of key workers and those classed as a vulnerable pupil.
We will continue to set work remotely for the children who are working from home.
As a reminder, our home learning approach is:
The well-being of all children is very important to us. We recognise some children working remotely may be missing their friends – the staff certainly are. Therefore, we are working on ways in which the children can catch up with their peers once a week virtually. As soon as I have all of the information and approaches, I will write out to parents describing how we can make this happen.
Our school has been supported by the Rotary Club who have donated 4 laptops to us to help support the children in their learning. Governors and I are very thankful for this generous donation. Additionally, we have a received a small number of devices from the government. These are available to families who do not have the equipment available to support the remote learning. Please contact school if you require a laptop.
We are here to help in any way we can. If you need financial assistance, support for your own safety and well-being or merely someone to talk to, please pick up the phone and we will try to help in any way we can.
I appreciate how hard it is just now and I thank you all for your support in helping your child to learn and the support you are giving us as a school. Once more, we look forward to the time we can safely welcome all children into school.
Take care. Stay Safe. Keep in touch
Mrs Rachel Hocking
Swalwell Primary School