
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 4 Home Learning Wednesday 6th May

Good morning everyone!


Here is your work for today:


English – Yesterday you came up with some words to describe the Swallow’s feelings. Choose your favourite words and phrases and put them in to sentences. Remember to include conjunctions to extend your ideas, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases to add detail and lots of emotive language. Try saying your sentence out loud first to make sure it makes sense.


  • Conjunctions – because, if, when, while, even though, until
  • Fronted adverbials – Feeling tired, As the sun rose in the sky,
  • Expanded noun phrases – large, golden statue on top of a marble column
  • Emotive language – heartbroken, devastated, exhausted


Maths – Yesterday we started to look at pictograms and bar charts. Today we are going to focus on reading tables. Have a go at the questions below.



This problem has more than one step. First you will need to work out how much each class raised for each product. For example, I would start with Class 4B. They made 8 cupcakes and sold them for £2 each. £2 x 8 = £16. I would write £16 in the table and then repeat for the rest of the products. You will then need to work out which class raised the most money.



In this question, you will need to use the numbers in the table and your column addition and subtraction skills. Think of how you would solve missing number problems. Could this help you here? On Saturday you know that your total is 1425 and that 625 of this total visited the History Museum. How could you would out how many visitors were left to visit the Science Museum?


Science/Music– Last week we started our new topic of Sound. I was so impressed with the work handed in on Purple Mash! Now you know how sound travels, try to make your own instrument using materials around the house. Always make sure you ask an adult’s permission before using anything. Which materials make the best sounds? Why do you think this is? How can you make a louder or quieter sound? How can you make a higher or lower sound? What do you predict happens to the air molecules when you change the volume or pitch of the sound? Do they vibrate faster or slower? Write down what you find out and any predictions you have in your Home Learning book.


Have a great day!

Miss Grey 
