Good morning everyone. I really miss your chatter today, what have you all been up to? Yesterday, I made my first ever carrot cake! Have you been busy baking as well? I also planted a few flowers in the garden and did some weeding.
Now time for work…
English – Can you remember my photograph from Friday/Monday? Where was it taken?
I’m sure you’ll all have realised that it wasn’t taken in Swalwell or Newcastle upon Tyne and it wasn’t taken in England! For this photo I had to travel I left England and flew across to the USA, mysteriously from there I took some strange transport and ended up on a moon!
Here are a few other photographs
Look at the vines between the Hallelujah Mountains, they are floating in the sky!
Your task today is to write a setting description for this mysterious moon.
Imagine standing there, look up and you can see water cascading down from the Hallelujah mountains. Waterfalls, rocks, mysterious plants surround you. What can you hear? What can you feel? What can you smell?
Remember don’t start a sentence with I can hear …. I can smell …..
Use similes and metaphors as well as fantastic choices of vocabulary. Remember you can write it in your Home Learning book or you can use Purple Mash 2Write so that I can see it.
Maths – more fractions today. Remember to change the denominators so that they are the same and then you can compare them.
I’ve also set some fraction work on Purple Mash and Diagnostic Questions.
Computing – Did you enjoy the computing I left for you last week? Well we’ve got some more Minecraft programming for today.
Can you do one of the 4 lessons that they have, you can choose which one.
RE – Read through the information on this Powerpoint. I’ve set some work on Purple Mash for you to complete.
Remember to send me some logos so I can use them as our Y6 logo on the website.