Good morning Year 1,
Phonics – We know /ee/ as in eel, /ea/ as in eat , /ey/ as in donkey and today’s code is /e/ as in me. What words can you find that have the /e/ code? Where do we find that code? Remember you can practise using Book 25 on
English – In our story this week ‘Open Very Carefully’ there are lots of question marks. We use question marks when we ask a question and they look like this: ? How many questions can you find in the story? Can you write some of your own questions and use a question mark at the end?
Read along with the story here:
Maths – Calendar’s can be tricky as they have days, months, weeks and years. Try these calendar questions:
Science – In our story both the duck and the crocodile can float in the water. I would like you to investigate which objects float and sink. Is there anything the same about the objects that float and the ones that sink? Do heavier objects always sink? You could do this investigation in the sink, bath or swimming pool.
PE – It is the second part of the dance routine today which can be found here:
Have a fabulous day!
Mrs Leaver