
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 3 and 4 Home Learning 12.6.2020

Hi everyone!


From Monday, you will receive a pack of work which will have everything in that you need for the rest of the summer term but for today, here are your tasks:


English: Can you design the perfect stadium? It could be to watch any sport of your choice, or another type of performance entirely. Think about what it will look like, what you will watch there, what shape it will be, how many seats there are, any spec pal features it may have.


Draw a picture of it and write a list of adjectives to describe it.

Write a setting description of your stadium describing what it is like when it is full of people. Think about the setting description of the stadium from Monday to help you. Remember to include adjectives.


Maths: Complete the maths Power Up challenge.



Have a lovely weekend and try to get some exercise! 
