
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 4 Home Learning Tuesday 5th May

Good morning everyone!


Here is your work for today:


English – So far this half term we have read part of the story of the Happy Prince. We have looked in particular at the Prince and his feelings. Today I want you to think about the Swallow. How do you think the Swallow felt when the Prince asked him to stay? The Swallow wept when the Prince asked him to remove the final gem from his eye. How do you think this made the Swallow feel? Write down as many words and phrases you can think of to describe the Swallow’s feelings. Don’t forget to look for synonyms online to help you select emotive language –



Maths – Over the next few weeks we are going to be learning about statistics and presenting data. Have a look at the Discover task below – talk to an adult about what you think and then read my explanation underneath to see if you were correct. Then have a go at the questions below.



Class 4T have used a Pictogram to present their data. Each circle represents 10 items which means half of a circle must represent 5. There are 4 full circles and 1 half circle next to cookies. There are 45 cookies.


Class 4A have used a bar chart to present their data. The cookies bar is half way between 50 and 60. There are 55 cookies.


Class 4A made the most cupcakes because the bar is the tallest. They made 60 cupcakes.

PE – Keep active for at least half an hour today. Why not try some yoga:


Computing – I have set you a task on Purple Mash – once you have completed this task, explore the programme some more and see if you can create your own animation using coding.


Have a great day!

Miss Grey
