Dear Parents/Carers,
Happy New Year to you all. This letter is not the way I anticipated starting our new year but we are in everchanging times.
As you are all aware, as a region we are now in Tier 4. I am sure you have all read Martin Gannon’s public message and have been following the press intently these past few days. Governors and I have given the situation a great deal of thought. Therefore, in a bid to keep our community safe it is with a heavy heart I confirm that for this week school will only open to children of key workers and those who have an EHCP or social worker. This will be for this week in the first instance (Tuesday 5th January – Friday 8th). I am yet to receive information as to how the new variant impacts school so will make an informed decision as I have more information/guidance from the Local Authority.
As before Christmas, tomorrow is a training day and will be closed to ALL pupils. Staff will use this day to plan remote learning for our pupils.
I am a key worker and my child will need to access school, what do I do?
If you qualified as a key worker during Summer 2020, please contact school immediately on 0191 4334000 (4th January 2021) and we will be able to accommodate your child in school from Tuesday 5th January. You do not need to provide further proof. Your child will receive their planned education.
If your circumstances have changed since Summer 2020 and you now qualify as a key worker, please email proof from your employer to immediately so your child can attend school.
My child has an EHCP and I want them to attend school, what do I do?
Please contact school immediately (4th January 2021) on 0191 433 4000 and we will be able to accommodate your child in school from Tuesday 5th January. They will receive their planned education. For some children with an EHCP parents may need to contact their paediatrician to gain advice. Please can I ask you do this and inform school of the outcome.
My child has a social worker or team around the family and I want them to attend school, what do I do?
Please contact school immediately (4th January 2021) on 0191 4334000 and we will be able to accommodate your child in school. They will receive their planned education.
My child DOES NOT have an EHCP or social worker and I am NOT a key worker. What do I do?
Your child will receive remote learning. Each day you will receive an email with lessons prepared by your child’s teacher. These will be in video format and will be of the same content we would be using in the classroom, where possible. If you wish to make contact with your child’s class teacher, please use your tapestry account. Staff will make contact with you throughout the week, should you need any help/advice with the learning.
If you were entitled to this care during the summer term a member of the staff team will contact you tomorrow.
I am truly sorry for how late this information is coming your way, it is not the way we operate as a school but this has very much been taken out of our hands. I promise you behind the scenes this weekend there has been a wealth of conversations between myself, our senior leaders, governors and the staff team. We are desperately trying to find a balance between keeping everyone as safe as possible whilst following government and LA guidelines.
I will be in school tomorrow all day should you wish to contact me via the school office – 0191 4334000.
Take Care, Stay Safe
Rachel Hocking