
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 5 Building Inspectors

In Science this half term we are learning about materials and their properties. We discussed why different materials are used for different purposes depending on their properties. We then went out to inspect buildings and structures in the school grounds. We thought about why each material had been chosen, whether it was the most suitable material, how it had been affected over time and how we would improve the structures. We then produced detailed reports about each part of the building using what we had learnt about materials.

In Topic, we started to learn about our new topic – New York City! We are so excited to find out all about this amazing city, especially around Christmas time!


In DT, we designed our own moving models to create our very own Christmas window. Some of us even incorporated out topic of New York in to our designs.


We are so excited for everything this half term has to bring!


Year 5


Some questions you may want to ask this week:


  • Where is New York City?
  • Can you name 3 countries in North America?
  • What did you find out during your building inspection?


Have a great weekend 


Miss Grey
