
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 3 Home Learning 1.4.2020


Happy April Fool’s Day!


English: Infer what the characters from the picture are thinking. You can draw a picture of the creature and the man and create thought bubbles. Think about what they would they be thinking when they saw each other and how would they be feeling.  Try to include a statement, a command, an exclamation and a question. You could role play this with someone in your house. One person could be the creature and the other be the man.


Maths: Can you complete this money problem?



You could also play The Change Game. There are 3 different levels so you can choose the challenge you want. Follow the link below.


Computing: I have sent you an email on Purple Mash. Can you send a reply to tell me about what you have been doing at home.


Competition: Can you design a heading for our Year 3 website page? Log onto Purple Mash and I’ve set 2Paint for you. Can you design a heading that says Year 3 that is nice and colourful and has pictures on it? I will have a look and upload them onto our page on the website!


Well done to the people who completed their activities on Purple Mash, I have left you a comment to say well done as you all did brilliantly! There are also some other activities on there that I have set for you to do if you would like.

Please remember to save your work so I can leave you a comment and see how you’re getting on.


PE: Try doing cosmic yoga. Follow the link below.
