Good morning everyone!
Hope you had a lovely weekend.
Here is your work for today.
English – I have set you a reading task on Purple Mash. Read the chapter and then answer the questions.
Maths – Choose a times table that you need to practise. How could you learn this times table in your own way? You could:
Remember that you need to be able to answer times table questions super quickly so practise makes perfect!
PE – Complete half an hour of exercise – go for a walk, do a Joe Wicks workout, learn a new dance or anything else you would like to do.
Topic – Last week I asked you to watch a video about Ancient Egypt and the River Nile. I’d like you to use the work you did to create a poster or information page all about the River Nile. Why was it important? What did Ancient Egyptians use it for? Where is the Nile located? How long is the Nile? You might need to do some of your own research. Add drawings and colour to your information page if you can. You could even create a poster on Purplemash so I can see.
Don’t forget to ask your grownups to share your work on our school Facebook page! I would love to see what you have been up to as I am really missing you all.
Have a great day!
Miss Grey