Hi everyone!
Hope you’re having fun learning about mummification, here are your tasks for today.
English: Today I would like you to start writing out your instructions for how to mummify a body. Remember to number your instructions and keep them in the correct order. Use imperative (bossy) verbs, times connectives and make sure your instructions are clear and easy to understand. Also try to include prepositions.
You should explain your instructions to someone in your house first and see if they are able to understand them.
Look back at the instructions from Monday to help and the list of I’m operative verbs and time connectives you made in your home learning book.
Maths: Ask someone to give you a test on your 8 times table. Practise any that you get incorrect.
Can you complete these times table wheels for your 8 times table in your home learning book? Click on them to see them full size.
Play on Maths shed or any of the times table games.
Science: Can you go on a rock hunt in your garden? Look around and find where different rocks is being used near your home. Make a list of where the rock is being used and what for. Can you explain why rock is being used there? Can you use scientific vocabulary permeable, impermeable, erosion (wears away) to explain.
Music: Watch the videos below and. Think about or discuss these questions with someone at home.
Have a great day!
Miss Foster