
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 6 Home Learning Week 1 Summer Term

Good morning Y6. I hope you managed to get some fresh air yesterday at some point.


After an easy start yesterday it’s time for a bit of a challenge today!


Easy one to start with English. Today, I want you to log onto Reading Plus and do 20mins of reading. Then go to spelling shed and complete some challenges on there. We’re currently 3rd in the school and one girl in our class is 4th out of the whole school!


Maths – Angles

Watch the video on this website.

Then have a go at these questions

Art – Go to Purple Mash and use the Impressionist work that has been set. You need to find out about what it is, do some research, look at the paintings below. You’ll need to make sure you understand as you’re going to have a go later this week at producing your own Impressionist work of art!
