
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 4 Home Learning Friday 27th March

Good Morning Everyone!


Happy Friday! I hope you have all had a productive and fun week.


Don’t forget that I can check any work you do on Purplemash and Maths Shed and send you comments and rewards! I enjoyed playing some of the games you designed yesterday!


Here is your work for today:


English – It’s been a very different kind of week this week! I’d like you to reflect on what you have done and write a letter to tell me about your week. What was your favourite part of the week? What have you missed about school? If you like you could write it as an email on Purplemash and send it to me to read and reply!


Maths – Click on the link below to play the ordering decimals game. Make sure you choose on of the options in the red circle:



Topic – Choose a mountain range to research. Create a poster or fact file about your chosen mountain range.


Which continent is it in?

Does is cross more than one country?

Which is the highest mountain in the range?

You can either do this in your Home Learning Book or on Purplemash where I have set it as a 2do. Don’t forget to save it so I can see it!


Have a lovely weekend and stay Safe!

Miss Grey
