
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 4 Home Learning Thursday 26th March

Good Morning Everyone!


Well done to those of you who have been doing extra work on Purplemash and Maths Shed! Don’t forget you can practise your times tables any time you like! I will be keeping an eye on the leaderboard!


Here is your work for today:


English – Read some poems on this website:

Choose your favourite poem and read it to someone else. You could write it down in your Home Learning book to share with the class when we return to school.


Why is this your favourite?

Can you spot any poetic features such as rhyming words, alliteration, similes and repetition?

Maths – Can you draw a diagram/bar model to find out if these statements are true or false?



Computing – In computing we have been designing and creating our own computer games. Go on to Purplemash and create a new game with multiple levels. See if you can get the monsters to move to make it harder! Ask someone else in your house to play your game.


Music – Listen to your favourite song. Think about what instruments you can hear. Can you clap your hands along with the pulse?


Have a great day!

Miss Grey
