Good morning everyone and welcome to a new term. I hope you all had a lovely family Easter and managed to play lots of games and most importantly eat lots of chocolate!
I thought to start a new term you could create your own number hunt. Work with an adult to write the numbers 1 to 10 or 20 on pieces of paper and then ask the adult to hide them for you around the house. Don’t peek!
Once they are all hidden you can try to find them all and then see if you can put them in to order. Once you’ve ordered them 1 to 10/20 you could mix them up and then try to order them backwards, from 20/10 down to 1. Can you do it I wonder?
You could hide them for your grown up to find and get them to order the numbers. You could even make it a competition and see who can find and correctly order the numbers in the quickest time.