
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 1 week 1 home learning Wednesday and Thursday


Today’s story I’d like you to listen to is ‘Mrs Mole I’m home’ By Jarvis (link below).

English – Morris finds his way home by smelling his favourite dinner. Write the recipe to make your favourite dinner. Maybe you can help an adult to make it?

Maths – Measure how many steps it takes for you to get from one room to another in your house. What is the shortest distance? What is the longest distance?

Geography – Hide something around your house and then create a map for your adult to follow. Make sure the rooms are clear and you have left and right turns.

PE – Create an obstacle course. How quickly can you complete it? Challenge someone else to complete it. Who will complete it the quickest?

Art – Create a family portrait to hang on the wall just like all the families in the story did.

Reading and phonics – continue to practice the sounds we have covered and remember you can read the books online
