
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 4 Home Learning Thursday 2nd April

Good morning Everyone!


Here is your work for today. Don’t forget to get your grown ups to share photos of your work on our Facebook page!


English – Use your plan from yesterday to present your research in whichever way you have chosen. Remember to write in full sentences and include as much information as you can. Organise your ideas in to sections so that your work is easy to understand. I’m super excited to see how you have decided to present your information. Are you going to create a powerpoint, a poster, a video or something else?


Maths –



Music – Have some relaxing time listening to some of your favourite music. It is important to take time to chill out and reflect on your day or week. Ask your grown ups to play their favourite songs too. Talk about why you like these songs. How do they make you feel? Do different songs make you feel different emotions?


PSHE – Ask a grown up if you can help with some jobs. You could help make a meal, make your bed, hang up your clothes or look after a pet. It is important that everyone works as a team, just like we do in our classroom!


Have a great day!

Miss Grey 
