
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 5 Home Learning 01.06.2020

Hi Year 5!


I hope you have all had a lovely half term in the sunshine. Make sure you are applying lots of sun cream if you are outside to protect your skin.

English- Can you answer the following questions about the image? Remember to include as much detail as possible!



Here is the link it says you can look at.


Maths- Today we are going to move on to learning about position and direction. Remember that there are 360 degrees in a full turn, 180 in half a tern and 90 degrees in a quarter of a turn.

Topic- We are going to continue with our topic all about WW2. Below, is some information, questions, and sentences with missing words all about the Blitz.

Can you look at the sources below and answer the following questions?

If you need any help with today’s work, remember that you can always email me on Purple Mash for support.


Take care and stay safe. I miss you all.


Miss Thielmann
