Morning Year 3 and 4!
Here are your activities for today.
English: Yesterday you wrote adjectives and described the stadium before and after. Today you need to fix these sick sentences! Change these sentences to improve them and write them out in your neatest handwriting. Think about using different adjectives or expanded noun phrases and conjunctions to make these sentences better.
The stadium was horrible. The seats were horrible. The pitch was horrible. The grass had all gone. Nobody went there anymore.
Maths: Complete the Power Up addition and subtraction Challenge.
Science: Make a paper helicopter. Watch the link below or follow the picture instructions.
Drop it from different heights and time how long it takes to reach the floor. Compare how it travels from different heights. Does it reach the floor quicker from higher or lower heights? Explain why you think this is.
Try making another helicopter but this time make it either shorter or longer. Compare how it travels with your first helicopter. Time how long they both take to reach the ground from different heights. Which helicopter travels the fastest? Can you explain why you think this is?
Have fun investigating!