
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 5 Home Learning 27.03.2020

Hi Year 5!

I thoroughly enjoyed spending some time yesterday afternoon marking and reading through all of your volcano fact files. Thank you and well done to all of you who completed it. Remember to log back in to Purple Mash to read the feedback I have given you.

Here are your jobs for today.


Maths- today we are going to focus our learning on rounding. Firstly,  create a little support sheet to help remember the rounding rules. After that, complete the table below.



English- look at the below advert that Ernest Shackleton used to recruit crew members for his expedition. Use the information provided (as well as your own knowledge of the expedition) to create a recruitment poster. If you would like to show me your posters, you are more than welcome to complete these on Purple Mash.



Science- I have set you a task on Purple Mash that recaps our learning all about forces.


Stay safe and enjoy the weekend.


Miss Thielmann
