
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 5 & 6 Home learning 8.6.2020


Hello Year 5 and Year 6 


Work will now be set on the website on a weekly basis for you to work through. Work for this week is attached below.


Hint: When I get into my car a pressure sensor in the seat will beep if I haven’t put my seat belt on – something like this could be used for a ride.

A motion detector would sense movement and could trigger a camera to take a photograph.

A speed sensor could detect if a ride was going too fast and immediately apply brakes to ensure it slows and comes to a halt safely.

Why not take a photograph of the theme park ride that you design and send it to school or add it to Facebook so that we can all see your amazing ideas.

Reading – Log onto Reading Plus and read for 15 – 30 minutes per day.

Remember to check Purple Mash to see some activities that we have set for you and Maths Shed/Spelling Shed.

Mrs McCall and Miss Thielmann
