
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 4 Home Learning Tuesday 28th April

Good Morning Everyone!


Well done to those of you who did your work on Purple Mash yesterday. I enjoyed seeing your answers to the quiz and reading your posters.


Here is your work for today:


English – Here is the next part of the story of The Happy Prince. Why do you think the Happy Prince is crying? Write a conversation between the Happy Prince and the Swallow. Think carefully about the rules for adding inverted commas:


  • Start a new line for a new speaker
  • Inverted commas go around the words being said out loud
  • Start speech with a capital letter
  • Include some punctuation before you close the inverted commas.
  • Try not to use “said” – how might the characters speak?

Maths – Spend some more time looking at the clock and learning how to tell the time. Here is a clock that your grownups could use to help you. Can you write the times shown on the clock below?



PE – Spend half an hour doing some exercise of your choice. There are lots of dance and exercise videos on youtube.

Computing – I have set you a task on Purple Mash. Log on to find out what our new topic is!

Have a great day!

Miss Grey 
