
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 3 Home Learning 6.5.2020


Hi everyone,


Hope you’re all  well. here are your jobs for today.


English: Adverbs describe how something is done. They make a sentence better by adding detail to describe the verb (action/doing word). For example:


The pen scribbled frantically across the page.
Frantically, the pen scribbled across the page.
The pen scribbled across the page frantically.


Remember, you can use adverbs at different places in a sentence.


Can you add an adverb to the following sentences to add detail to the verb? Think of the invisible man from the story yesterday. Think about how he would be doing these things and how he would be feeling. Before you write your sentences, think about where is the best place for the adverb to go.


The man dashed from room to room.

He wrote on the paper.

He stared into the mirror.

His heart pumped inside his chest.

Maths: Match the answers to questions in the two times table. Write them in your Home Learning Book. You could even make your own card game by writing out the questions and writing out the answers then cutting them up, shuffling them and matching them back together.



Answer these missing number questions. Can you make up some of your own? Ask someone to find the missing answers and check to see if they have them correct.



Once you’ve done that ask someone to time you answering these questions as fast as you can. Can you beat your time from yesterday?



Computing: Log onto PurpleMash to practise your typing. How quickly can you hit the different keys on the top row of the keyboard?


Thank you for all your emails on PurpleMash, it has really cheered me up to hear that you are all working hard and staying busy at home doing lots of fun things! Feel free to send me an email anytime to let me know what you’re getting up to or of you want to ask me anything!


PE: Make the most of the sunny weather and do some exercise outside!


Miss Foster 
