
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Week 2 Friday home learning Year 1

Hi Year 1 it’s Friday again so nearly the weekend.


Maths – Today I would like you to practise adding and taking away to 20. You can do this on Numbots, Maths shed or with the ‘Tall Tower’ problem below.



Which way should you go to collect the most spells?
And which way to collect as few as possible?
Can you find a route that collects exactly 35 spells?


English – Yesterday you wrote your own instructions to trap a giant. Today I would like you edit them. Read over them – what could you make better? Do you need to improve your spelling or handwriting? Have you missed any capital letters or full stops? Could you improve any of the words you have used or add an exclamation mark?


Computing – Continue practising your typing skills in 2type on Purplemash. I have also set you an assignment on PurpleMash to programme by giving instructions.


Spellings – I have set you new spellings on Spelling Shed. Practise spelling the days of the week.


Phonics – Revise all of the code we have looked at this week.

Have a lovely weekend!
