Good morning Year 6. Hope we all had a great day yesterday.
English – Hopefully, you’re all keeping up with your non-chronological report. You need to write another paragraph today – this time it’s about the Na’vi, the humanoid people who live on Pandora. These people definitely have some differences from us! How are they different? Are there any similarities?
You can write this on paper or on 2Write on Purple Mash
Maths – More decimals today but today we’re multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000.
Can you remember our place value charts? They may help you with this today. Which direction do digits move when we multiply? (Hint: the numbers usually get larger when you multiply)
Work through the Powerpoint and remember use a place value chart if it helps you!
History/Computing/English – Well done to our 2 historians, who correctly told me how long ago D-Day was. It will be the 76th Anniversary on the 6th June.
Use this fact sheet to help you create your own poster/leaflet about D-day.
Remember a poster should be eye-catching and give a lot of information, you may also use illustrations and diagrams to help explain the topic.
A leaflet will have more information on it than a poster and would still need to be eye-catching and have illustrations.
You could use paper, a computer (Word/Publisher) or Purple Mash. Why not take a photograph of what you create and get an adult to email it to school or post it to Facebook so we can all see your work.