
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 4 Home Learning Monday 4th May

Good morning everyone!


I hope you all had a lovely weekend.


Here is your work for today:


English – I have set you a reading task and quiz on Purple Mash.

Maths – Spend some time learning your times tables. How do you learn your tables best? Some ideas include:


  • Maths Shed
  • Hit the Button
  • Create a times table game – you could even fit this in with your daily exercise
  • Challenge a sibling or adult
  • Find or create a times table song.
  • Supermovers – Can you get your grown ups to join in?!


PE – Do something active for at least half an hour.


  • Create a circuits workout
  • Just Dance
  • Yoga
  • Go for a jog or a walk


Topic – Over the next few weeks, we will be learning all about farming in Ancient Egypt. To begin with I would like you to become historical detectives. Have a look at the images below. These are called primary sources because they come from the time period we are learning about. Look at each image and think about what it might tell you about farming in Ancient Egypt.  I have done the first two for you to give you an idea. Don’t worry if you aren’t sure – just have a good guess!



Once you have looked at each image, visit this website to find out more. Make some notes as you go along – these will come in handy next week!


Have a great day!


Miss Grey
