
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 3 Home Learning 1.5.2020

Hello Year 3,


Can’t believe it is May already and we haven’t been in school for 7 weeks now. I’m miss you all and hope you’re all still smiling!


Here is your work for today.


English: Write a character description to describe the other servant girls. Think about how they are different from Rhodopis. Remember to use expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and similes.



Spelling: Ask someone in your house to test you on your spellings from Monday.


Maths: Complete the Power Up maths challenge. Click on it to see it full size. See how many number sentences you can make. Can you work out if there is a pattern? Write in your home learning book.



PSHE: Complete this sheet in your Home Learning book.



I would also like you to think of things that you are thankful for and make a list in your Home Learning book.


Have a nice weekend!


Miss Foster 
