Dear Parents/Carers,
Here we all are at the end of week 3 of Partial School Closures. School continues to be open for identified families and children of key workers. As time progresses, we continue to grow as a school at the centre of the community. The support you all as parents, our staff team and Governors has given the school is overwhelming and once again, I thank you all. we really do appreciate it.
As it is the Easter break, staff are not posting homework. The children need some rest time as do the staff. We are however, still going ahead with our Easter Egg competition – please see our Facebook page for more information. Due to the fantastic creations we have received, we have decided to extend the deadline until Friday 17th April.
Facebook Posts and Replies
Your engagement with our Facebook page has been fantastic and makes an enjoyable read. We genuinely miss you all and it is lovely to hear from you. When creating a reply, please can I ask, in line with our safeguarding procedures, you do not use your child’s full name or year group. Their first name is fine. As a small school, we pride ourselves on knowing our families very well. Therefore, we can easily identify who you are from your first name. Many thanks for your support in helping us to keep our children safe on line.
School Meals after Easter Holidays
For those families entitled to Free School Meals, your voucher of £15 per week, per child will be sent to your email address from Monday 20thApril; therefore, the delivery of lunches will stop.
From Monday 20th April, if your child is attending school they will need to come with a packed lunch (even if you are entitled to Free School Meals). From this date, as the voucher scheme will be operating, Gateshead School Meal service will no longer provide schools with packed lunches. If you think you’re entitled to Free School meals, please access the link below:
Finally, I wish you all a wonderful Easter break and time with the people in your household. It is times like this, where we can reflect and appreciate what is important in our lives. Look after one another.
Take Care. Stay Safe.
Rachel Hocking