
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 3 Home Learning 21.5.2020

Hello year 3! Hope you all enjoyed the sunshine yesterday. Here are you activities for today.


English: Look at your story map that you created yesterday about Tadeo Jones’s journey into the pyramid. Add adverbs to your story map to describe how he is moving e.g. quickly, slowly, cautiously, nervously, excitedly…


Then write out five sentences using the adverbs that you have added to your story map.Remember, you can use adverbs at different places in a sentence. E.g.


Nervously, Tadeo turned the handle to open the trap door.
He dashed frantically to escape from the mummy!
As the trap door opened, he reached in to touch the gold excitedly.


Maths: Look at the picture below and complete the questions.



Explain how you can use the two times table or the four times table to help you work out the 8 times table.

Science: Have a look out in your garden and see if you can find a plant. In your home Learning book, draw a diagram of the plant. Can you label the parts and explain what their function is. Try to label the stem, flower, leaves and roots.

I have also set you a 2Do quiz on Purplemash to label the parts of a plant.

Music: Click on the link below and watch the video then answer the questions.

Discuss these questions with someone at home.

  1. How would you describe the differences between pulse and rhythm?
  2. Can you try making your own pulse? How about a rhythm? Remember, a pulse has a steady beat (all the beats are the same length), while a rhythm is made up of a pattern of sounds of different lengths.
  3. In the second video, we meet composer Anna Meredith. We see and hear a large group of children perform her piece called “Connect It”. How many different sounds can you hear in the piece?
  4. The children are wearing different coloured t-shirts in the performance. How many different colours are there? What do you think the different coloured shirts mean?
  5. In the video, the children make rhythms using their bodies, voices, and movement. What kinds of rhythms can YOU make using only your body and voice?

Have a nice day.

Miss Foster
