Hello Year 5 and 6!
Here are your Maths tasks for the rest of this half term. If you are finding a particular task difficult, you can email either myself or Mrs McCall via Purple Mash to ask for any support. You will not have all of the below tasks in your pack, please complete the tasks you have been given.
Task 1
There are:
90 degrees in a quarter turn
180 degrees in a half turn
270 degrees in a three quarter turn
360 degrees in a whole turn.
Clockwise is the same way that the hands on a clock move and anti-clockwise is the opposite.
Task 2
What do angles in a half turn equal?
That is the same as the angles on a straight line.
Task 3
ANgles at a point are the same as angles in a full turn (look back at Task 1)
Task 4
Parallel lines are lines are always the same distance apart and never meet. You could use this website to learn more about them.
Task 5
Perpendicular lines are two lines that together make a right angle. You could use this website to learn more about them.
Task 6
Task 7
A regular polygon is a 2D shape that has all equal sides and equal angles. An irregular polygon is a 2D shape without equal sides and angles. You can use this website to help you.
Task 8
You can see the faces of 2D shapes when looking at 3D shapes. On a cuboid, you can see squares and rectangles.
Task 9
Use the end of unit check to see how much you have learnt.
Task 9
A triangle has 3 sides that do not have to be equal.
A square has 4 equal sides.
A rectangle has 4 sides, 2 short sides and 2 long sides.
Task 10
Task 11
A triangle has 3 sides.
A square has 4 sides.
A rectangle has 4 sides.
A pentagon has 5 sides.
A hexagon has 6 sides.
An octagon has 8 sides.
Task 12
What is a vertex? A vertex is where 2 lines (straight or curved) meet
More than one vertex are called vertices.
Task 13
A line of symmetry is a reflection in the middle of a shape or image. Use this website to help you.
Task 14
Task 15
Task 16
On 3D shapes, you can see the faces of 2D shapes. On a cuboid, you can see squares and rectangles.
Task 17
Vertices are the corners of a 3D shape.
Task 18
Task 19
Task 20
Use this end of unit check to find out how much you have learnt.
Task 21
Hope everyone is well. In school we have been making some geometric designs by folding paper to create 2D shapes.
It would be great if you could make or draw some designs yourself. Remember to send them to school so we can see your creations.
Remember to email us if you need support with any task.
Take care and stay safe. We miss you all!
Miss Thielmann and Mrs McCall