Good morning everyone!
Here is your work for today:
English – This week you have been exploring the feelings of the Swallow in our story. Use the ideas you have come up with this week to write a short diary extract from the point of view of the Swallow. Think about the Swallow’s feelings, where the Swallow is supposed to be going, what the Swallow might see as he flies over the city etc. Don’t forget to write in the first person (I, my, mine etc.), use conjunctions, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases.
Maths – Use some of the websites below to practise interpreting bar charts and pictograms. I have also set some activities on Purple Mash if you prefer.
PSHE/History – Tomorrow is a very important day as it is the 75th Anniversary of VE Day also known as Victory in Europe Day. This day marked the end of World War Two in Europe and thousands of people celebrated in their streets with parties, songs, games and food.
Today, I’d like you to spend some time learning about VE Day and why it is important. Here are some websites which might help you to understand a little bit more about VE Day. You don’t need to visit all of them!
Video –
Newsround –
Now have a look at the activities below and choose the ones you would like to have a go at.
Wartime Recipes –
Morse Code –
Winston Churchill’s Speech –
Wartime songs –
Phonetic Alphabet –
Have a wonderful Bank Holiday and remember to send us some photographs of your picnics, decorations or “Stay at Home Parties”. If you are having a stay at home party outside and your neighbours are also in their gardens, please remember to be safe and keep your distance!
Have a great weekend!
Miss Grey