Happy Friday!
I can’t believe that it has been two weeks since I last saw you all in school. I’m missing you all lots! I hope you are all keeping safe and enjoying some extra time with your family!
Thank you Alanah for our beautiful picture today! Here are your jobs.
English: Hope you had fun writing the start of your stories yesterday and have some creative ideas ready to finish it off. To day I’d like you to write the ending to your story. Once you have finished, read your work back and edit your writing. Remember to check that you have used punctuation and that it makes sense. Think about how you could improve your writing. Is there anything that you could add in to make it more interesting? Check have you used adverbs, speech, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions? If not, can you add them in.
Maths: Play the Spring board game from your Home Learning pack.
There are two sheets in your pack, you will need both of them. One sheet is the board game and the other is the score card.Each player starts with 100 points. Roll the dice and move your counter around the board. When you land on a square, add or subtract the points to/from your score. You may need some scrap paper to help work out your calculations. Record your score on the score sheet as you go. When a player reaches the finish line, the winner is the player with the most points! Good luck and have fun!
PSHE: Write some rules that you should remember for when you’re at home. Think about the things you should do when at home not what you shouldn’t e.g. should always listen to adults, follow instructions, be respectful to everyone at home,
French: Practise counting in French up to 20
Next week is officially your Easter Holidays but don’t forget to check on the website for some fun tasks and homework to keep you busy!
Enjoy your weekend! Keep smiling!
Miss Foster