
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Update from Mrs Hocking

Dear Parents/Carers,


As we approach the end of week 4 of lockdown, I hope this finds you all safe and well.


Once again, thank you to the staff, governors and you all as parents of our school for your support and determination in following the government guidelines by staying at home. Together we are able to protect the NHS and one another.


Unfortunately this week I have personally needed the support of the NHS. At the start of the week, I fell and have broken my ankle in 3 places. I’m sharing this with you as for the next few weeks I won’t be in the school building but didn’t want you all to worry. I am fine. On the mend and will be back very soon. In my absence, Mrs Leaver and Mrs McCall will be in the building and aptly taking a lead. We are in touch regularly and together will continue to steer the school through this unprecedented time. Whilst we have only worked as a leadership team for a short time, we work effectively and have built a firm professional working relationship. I trust them both implicitly.


I endeavour very soon to complete a Facebook hello post… Once I’ve worked out how to wash my hair!


School continues to be open for children of key workers.


Stay safe. Take Care.


I will look forward to seeing you all soon. Please take care of one another.


Mrs Rachel Hocking
