Hi Year 1, we’ve made it to Friday of what have been our first week of Summer term.
English – I would like you to create your own page for the book. I would like you to add your own illustrations and write up your sentences you created yesterday. You can do this by hand or on 2Publish on PurpleMash.
Maths – Practise using a number line to find the difference. You were all fantastic at this last half term. Can you find the difference of other numbers?
PE – I know you are all keeping very active with Joe Wicks. Today why don’t you try a different type of exercise – Yoga! Cosmic Yoga is very similar to our Yoga Bugs sessions in school where the moves are all set to a story, this one is Star Wars but you could choose any you like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coC0eUSm-pc
Phonics – Practise the code we have been looking at this week /ow/ /oo/ /u/