What an exciting week in Year 6.
As usual, Year 6, have been working extremely hard this week whilst at school, however, they have amazed all of the adults with their determination and dedication at home! They have independently chosen to do extra reading at home and have been logging onto Reading Plus most evenings determined to improve their fluency and comprehension. 100% of the class met their reading targets during the week. I’m sure you’ll agree that they are all champions.
During DT, they had the opportunity to assemble the components for their steady hand games and construct them. I think everyone in the class had great fun doing this and the children can’t wait for their electricity topic in Science.
They are coming to the end of the Victorian topic and enjoyed learning about the history of the Swing Bridge and why it was so important to Newcastle. Their heads are now full of amazing facts and information about the important part Newcastle and the surrounding areas played in Victorian technology. Why not put them to the test and ask them these questions?
Year 6 have been coming up with some amazing ideas for their garden, which will take them the rest of this year to bring to full glory. They have thought carefully about the needs of the children within our school as well as the local wildlife and hope to provide for all with their Sensory Garden. Keep your eyes peeled over the next few weeks to see how their garden develops.
As ever, have a fabulous weekend and we’ll see you all again next week.
Take care
Mrs McCall and Miss Foley