
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 3 Home Learning 22.5.2020

Hi Year 3!


Can’t believe it’s the end of the week already! Today, would have been the last day at school before a week off! Here are your home learning tasks for today.


English: Retell the story of Tadeo Jones using prepositions and adverbs.  You should also try to include time connectives, exclamations and expanded noun phrases. Challenge: Include speech to show what Tadeo might be thinking or saying to himself.


Read your story back once you have finished and check to make sure you have included full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks and that your writing makes sense.


Spelling: Ask someone to test you on your spellings. Practise writing any out that you didn’t get correct.

Maths: Make a poster and write out your 8 times table to practise. Watch the video below to help you practise then answer the questions.


8 x 0 =
8 x 1  =
8 x 2  =
8 x 3  =
8 x 4  =
8 x 5  =
8 x 6  =
8 x 7  =
8 x 8  =
8 x 9  =
8 x 10  =
8 x 11  =
8 x 12  =


Look at the answers, can you spot any patterns? Look at the ones and the tens, what do you notice?

Click the link below to play the multiples game. Click on x8 to practise finding multiples of 8.


PSHE: This week is mental health awareness week and the focus is on kindness.

Think about why it is important to be kind to people and how being kind will make others feel.

Can you play the bingo game below and see how many acts of kindness you can do and tick off when at home, remember to stay safe and social distance.



Enjoy your long weekend and have a fantastic week off!


Stay safe,

Miss Foster
