
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 3 Home Learning 18.5.2020

Good Morning Year 3!

Hope you had a nice, relaxing weekend and are ready to work hard again! Here are your tasks for today.

English: Read the information about Egyptian pyramids and answer the questions below in your home learning book. Click on the picture to see it full size.



  • Why were pyramids built?
  • How tall is the Great Pyramid?
  • What did the pharoahs take to the Afterlife with them?
  • What three creatures make up the Sphinx?
  • What do the Egyptians believe would happen to people that answered the Sphinx’s questions incorrectly?


Follow the link below to find out more information about the pyramids. There are also some games you can play all about pyramids.


Spelling: Learn these spellings. Practise counting out the syllables, rainbow writing, pyramid words, playing spelling relay and speed write the words as many times as you can in one minute.

redo, refresh, return, reappear, redecorate, rebuild, reposition

Maths: Answer these reasoning questions in your home learning book.

David says “Because 4 is even, all multiples of 4 will be even.”
Is David correct? Explain your reasoning.

Sarah says “I know my 4 times table so I can work out 4 x 90 without using a written method to work it out.
Explain how Sarah could do this.

Practise your 2 and 4 times table on maths shed. How far up the leaderboard can you climb?

Art: Log onto Purple Mash and complete the Hieroglyphics challenge in your 2Do list.

There is also a 2Do for you to do where you can create your own impressionist picture like Claude Monet. Create a picture of something that will remind you of your time at home during lockdown or something that has made you happy during lockdown.

Remember to save your work so I can see what you have been up to!

PE: Remember to keep active. You might want to join in the Dance challenge!


Have a nice day!

Miss Foster
