
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 5 Home Learning 01.05.2020

Hi Year 5! Today is the first day of a new month and the sun has been shining which is certainly something for us to smile about! Here are your home learning tasks for today.


English- Can you write an adventure story about the picture we looked at yesterday? Plan your story using a story planner that we have used in school (introduction, build up, problem, conclusion) . Who are your characters going to be? Where is your story set? Remember to include some of the Year 5 features we have been working on in school. Can you engage your reader with carefully chosen vocabulary? Are your sentences and paragraphs carefully linked? Can you include dialogue? I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash so you can write your story on there if you like.


Maths- More work on using factors.

Science- I have set you a task on Purple Mash that focuses on planning and conducting a fair test.


Take care and stay safe.
Miss Thielmann 
