
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


School Uniform

The school uniform is worn by all pupils in school (Nursery to Year 6) and parents are asked to support our uniform policy.


The uniform is as follows:


Required items

  • White polo shirt
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Grey or black trousers, skirt or shorts
  • Plain black sensible shoes


Optional items

  • Blue and white gingham dress (summer)


No make-up or jewellery other than a wristwatch are to be worn.


It is essential that all children are dressed sensibly for school.


Sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts bearing our school can be purchased from our school uniform supplier, Logos Unlimited,  Unit 1 Sands Industrial Estate, Swalwell, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE16 3DJ or online at


Items bearing the logo are not essential, uniform can be purchased from other stores e.g. supermarkets.


We also have a supply of pre-loved uniform in school, for more information please contact Katie Doyle either via email or telephone 0191 433 4000.



PE Kit


We have provided each child in Year 1 - Year 6 with a school PE kit. The PE kit includes a white t-shirt, black shorts and a drawstring bag. We ask that children provide trainers or plimsoles. These can either be kept in their PE bags or brought into school for each PE lesson. 


To ensure the safety of all of our children, long hair must be tied back and no jewellery can be worn during PE lessons. 




Jewellery / Mobile Phones


Jewellery is not allowed in school. The only exception to this is a watch but this must be removed for PE. Children will be asked to remove any jewellery worn during the school day. It is strongly recommended that mobile phones and other communication devices are left at home. However, if brought into school, these should be switched off and handed to the school office at the beginning of the day. If your child is to bring a mobile into school, parents are asked to complete a form. A copy of which can be collected from the school office or found on the polices page of our school website. The school does not accept responsibility for loss, theft or damage to any personal items of property, clothing or jewellery.


If parents wish to have their child’s ears pierced, it is suggested that this is done at the beginning of the Summer Holidays, so that by the time the Autumn terms starts, studs may be removed.


Earrings in particular represent a considerable accident risk both in physical education and play and children should not wear them in school.


For the child’s own health and safety, they may not be able to participate in the full range of activities offered within a PE, playtime or school session if they are wearing earrings and they will be asked to remove them if worn during the school day.


If the child is unable to remove their earrings, alternative activities may need to be arranged for the child and parents will be contacted to ensure that earrings are not worn in future.


School staff cannot accept responsibility for the removal of earrings, if earrings are lost or damaged. Earrings must also be removed for swimming lessons according to swimming pool policy.

Uniform Orders


School uniform with the school logo can be ordered at any time.


Please order direct with “Logos Unlimited”


Swalwell Branch: 0191 488 4300

Address: Unit 1 Sands Industrial Estate, Swalwell, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE16 3DJ

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