
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 4 Home Learning Thursday 3rd June

Good Morning everyone!


Here is your work for today:


English – Use your notes from yesterday to write a letter home from the International Space Station! Here is an idea of how you might structure your letter:


Paragraph 1 – Describe your journey to the ISS and tell your reader how long you have been there.

Paragraph 2 – Explain what you have been getting up to since arriving on the ISS.

Paragraph 3 – Tell your reader the good things about living on the ISS

Paragraph 4 – Tell your reader the bad things about living on the ISS.

Maths – Have a go at the questions below. Try the challenge if you think are ready!

Music – I have set you a task on Purplemash


PSHE – If you were going to work on the International Space Station for 6 months, what 10 things would you take with you? Write a sentence to explain why you would take each item. Would it remind you of home? Is it something which would help you on the ISS?


Have a great day!


Miss Grey 
