
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 4 Home Learning Monday 18th May

Good morning everyone!


Hope you all had a lovely weekend.


Here is your work for today:


English – Finish writing the story you started last week. Think about how you want your audience to feel at the end of the story. Will it be a happy, sad or shock ending? Don’t forget to include all of the skills we have learnt about so far this year:


  • Fronted adverbials
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Conjunctions
  • Powerful vocabulary


If you have already finished writing your story, read it through to check for any mistakes. Have you got capital letters and full stops in the correct places? Do your sentences make sense? Can you improve any of your language choice? Remember, the best way to spot errors is to read your work out loud.


Maths – It’s Monday again which means another times table day! Why not have a go at the MTC on Maths shed and see how well you do? You could even email me (Purple Mash) your score when you are finished!

PE – Remember to keep active – post some photos of you keeping active on our school Facebook Page. You might even want to join in with our dance challenge!


Topic – This video will tell you a bit about Ancient Egyptian civilization and what Ancient Egyptian’s believed in.

Use the video and the website below to find out about Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses.


Design your own Ancient Egyptian God or Goddess – what would they be the God of? What animal would represent this?


You can ask a grown up to post a picture on our school Facebook page or you can email me a photo on Purplemash!

Have fun!


Miss Grey
