How are we all doing this week?
Today would have been the last of your SATs tests – Maths Paper 3.
English – Spelling shed today. I would like you to complete 2 or more challenges that I have set you.
Then make/write spelling pyramids for these words. Do you know what they mean?
Who will be the first person to tell me the meaning of the words in the comments?
Maths – adding and subtracting fractions again. By now you should be experts at answering these.
These questions get harder as you complete them, the first ones are easy. I wonder if anyone can finish them all?
DT/History – Finish your model of the air raid shelter. Why not get an adult to take a photo and send it by email to school or add it to Facebook so I can see them.
Art/History – During an air raid people in London often sheltered in the Tube stations underground.
An artist called Henry Moore drew many sketches down in the tunnels and also made sculptures.
Over the next few art lessons we will be drawing our version of this sketch. Look closely and you will see the people sleeping in the tunnel.
Today, I want you to complete the work, A Famous Artist on Purple Mash. You will need to do some research on Henry Moore and write about him, you can also add photographs and drawings.
Take care.