Happy Easter Year 3!
This is your Easter Holidays so I won’t be setting work for you but here are some Easter Activities to keep you busy!
Think of the stories Egg Drop and After the Fall. Watch the stories being read aloud if you click on the links below.
Design a parachute that will help an egg fall without breaking. Use materials you find in the house (ask an adult first!) and build it. Test your parachute by dropping your egg from high up or out of a window. If your egg breaks, think of ways to improve your parachute.
Create your own Easter Egg Hunt at Home. You could draw a map of your house and hide objects for your family to find. Mark on the map where you’ve hidden them and see if your family members can find it. You could also write clues and place them around the house and lead your family to your Easter treasure! Look at the clues below for ideas.
Complete these activities from your Home Learning Pack:
Also remember there fun practical things in Your Home Learning book that you can do like baking, acting out your favourite stories and designing your own board games!
School will also be having our usual decorate an egg competition so look out on the school website and the Facebook page for more information! Can’t wait to see what you all come up with!
Have a lovely two weeks year 3! Remember to spend time with family, play, have fun and most importantly stay safe!
Hopefully see you soon,
Miss Foster