Dear Parents/Carers,
As we enter our second lockdown as a Nation, please can I ask you take a few minutes to remind you of the COVID-19 guidelines on when to isolate.
In all of these situations, I urge you to ring the school office for advice. Every case is slightly different, and it would be impossible for us to give every scenario. This is easier over the phone.
If you or a member of your household receive a positive test over a weekend or school holiday, please email school Alternatively, call school on 0191 4334000 at 8am on Monday morning so we can inform other parents/ carers if their child is required to isolate.
If you are in any doubt, DO NOT send your child to school and ring the office for advice first, we are more than happy to help and support you all.
Many thanks for your continued support, we are here to help in anyway we can.
Take Care. Stay Safe.
Mrs Rachel Hocking