
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 5 25.9.20

We have had another exciting week in Year 5!

This week in DT, we designed our own Steady Hand Games. We thought carefully about who we were designing our game for which helped us to decide on a design and how difficult our game should be. We are looking forward to building our design over the next few weeks!

In Science, we designed an investigation on how sound travels through different materials. We are trying to find out if masks, visors and perspex screens change the volume of a sound. We made predictions and will complete our investigation next week.


In RE, we learnt about Sikhism and how important it is for Sikhs to give something back to their community. We thought about ways we could give back to our friends, our community and the wider world.


Written by Year 5


Year 5 have had another amazing week. Mrs Hall and I are so proud of how hard they are all working to achieve their goals.


Here are some questions you could ask your child this week:


  • What is happening in Danny the Champion of the World?
  • What have you been learning about emotions in PSHE?
  • Did you enjoy designing your steady hand game?


Have a great weekend!


Miss Grey
