
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 4 Home Learning Monday 11th May

Good morning everyone!


Hope you all had a lovely weekend.


It was lovely to see what some of you had been up to last week on our Facebook page. Your River Nile models were fantastic and I was very impressed with your baking skills!


Here is your work for today.


English – I have set you a reading task on Purple Mash.


Maths – It’s Monday, so as usual I would like you to find a way to practise your times tables. Remember, even if you know your times tables you still need to practise them to make sure you can answer them quickly.

PE – Keep active for at least half an hour. You could do an online workout, yoga, go for a walk, play in the garden, dance or anything else you like to do!


Topic – Last week you did some research about farming around the River Nile. Today, I would like you to use all of the information you have found out to make a poster or information page. Share your work on Purple Mash or the school Facebook Page. The website below might help you.


Have a great day!

Miss Grey 
