Hope everyone is well. This page will help you with researching the life of Anne Frank and writing diaries.
There are a couple of Powerpoints below that will help you with your work. If you have been to school to collect a pack of work these will help you with the activities.
Who was Anne Frank?
Task 1
Research Anne Frank. See if you can find the answers to these questions.
Task 2: why did Anne have a diary?
Why do you think Anne wrote her Diary?
List as many reasons as you can.
Task 3: diary entry
Write a diary entry, imagine your are needing to go into hiding like Anne Frank..
How would you feel? What have you taken with you? Are you with anyone you know? Where are you going to hide?
Task 4: packing
Make a packing list of all the things you would take with you if you were going into hiding.
Then create a collage or drawing of your suitcase.
Task 5: favourite activities
Make a list of Anne’s favourite activities (Research).
What did Anne like to do before and after she went into hiding? Do you think Anne misses the things she used to do? Do you enjoy any of the same pastimes?
Make a list of your own. Do you have a special favourite?
Task 6: Who are your role models?
Anne Frank had many role models that she looked up to. These included her father; Joop (the heroine in her favourite
book) and the Dutch and English royal families. Anne herself has now become a role model for generations of young women.
Write three short descriptions of your role models, explaining why you admire them
1) a friend or family member;
2) a fictional character;
3) a famous person.
Task 7: ordering events
Task 8: Newsround Special Anne Frank: A Life in Hiding
Carefully copy this link into Google or search for Newsround Anne Frank: A Life in Hiding
Task 9: Create an Anne Frank Portrait
You will need to read the extracts from Anne’s diary again. Write down some words/phrases/quotes that you feel represent Anne, her family and the events that are happening around her – these will form the lines to help draw her portrait.
You will also need a photograph of Anne and some paper/tracing paper.
Draw the outline of Anne very faintly with pencil. Use your words and phrases to fill in her hair, and as the outline to her image. Look at these examples from Y6 children in Swalwell.
You could use the same idea for your role model. Remember to send in your drawings as we would love to see them.