Each Friday for the next 6 weeks Year 6 will be participating in rugby.
The coaches we have are Coach Bear and Anna.
The first game we played was tag so we could warm up.
We learnt that the ball is dangerous because it’s used to score points! To properly hold the ball you need to grip with your fingers, your fingers need to make a ‘W’ shape.
Coach Bear gave us all nicknames.
The next game was Scarecrow Tag, if you were tagged you had to stand still and put your arms out like a scarecrow.
Next we moved to Karate Kid tag, if you were tagged you had to balance on one leg with your arms in the air. Mrs McCall and Anna joined in with this. To free someone who was tagged we had to say, “Wey aye, get oot and get lost.”
Then we played Bulldog – rugby style. This was to learn how to score a try.
Our final game was Cops and Robbers
Reporter and photographer Reece W