
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Mental Health Day in Year 5

It’s the end of another successful week in Year 5.

This week, our favourite lesson has been English where we have been writing informal letters from the perspective of Danny and his Mum in Danny the Champion of the World. We have been selecting powerful vocabulary and trying to make Miss Grey cry with our emotional writing! We have also loved learning about Sikh traditions in RE and creating our own maze games in computing.



Today has been a special day as we have all been wearing Yellow for World Mental Health Day. We have taken part in lots of activities and discussed how they could help us to look after our mental health. Some of our favourite activities were:


  1. Daily mile – While we completed our Yellow Mile we thought about all of the things we could hear, see and smell around us. This taught us to be present and to appreciate our surroundings. We found it very relaxing to listen to the sounds of nature and we even saw a squirrel in the trees!
  1. Games – At break time, we played some games together including Simon Says and Fish in the Sea. We laughed and smiled all break time and spent time with our friends. We learnt that it is important to relax and have fun with others.
  2. Meditation – We love meditation in Year 5 and we started our day with a guided meditation video called Peace Out. This helped us to focus and prepare ourselves for the day.
  3. Doodling – We created some zentangles and listened to some relaxing music. While we doodled, we reflected on our week and thought about what went well and what didn’t. It is important to reflect on our experiences to build our confidence and to help us improve.

We had a fantastic day and learnt lots about mental health.


– Year 5 


I am so proud of the hard work which Year 5 have put in this week and I have loved reading their emotional letters. They definitely did make me cry! I hope that the activities we have completed today have given the children lots of ideas on how to look after their mental health.


Here are some questions you may like to ask your child:


  • What was your favourite wellbeing activity this week?
  • Can you tell me about the class competition?
  • What have you learnt about Cragside house?


Have a great week!

Miss Grey
