
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


We Will Remember Them

Year 6 have spent several days finding out about why we celebrate Remembrance Day and taking charge of a new display for the school.


We had an assembly looking at what life was like for soldiers during World War 1 and their return to the UK, this led to the poppy becoming a symbol for remembrance. They then looked at the remembrance crosses that we would usually place in Saltwell Park and used this as inspiration for creating their own to be used within the display. The rest of KS2 were asked to also make crosses whilst KS1 and EYFS made poppies.


Year 6 read some famous war poems from World War 1 and used these as a basis to create their own Blackout poems: this is where you select key words from a text/poem and shade over all of the remaining words. We certainly have some very creative Y6 pupils as their designs show.


On the 11th November, we participated in a 2 minute silence to remember all those who have fought and died in conflict.
